
Short Stories by Edgar Allan Poe

"The Angel of the Odd" (1844)Comedy about being drunk
"The Balloon Hoax" (1844) Newspaper story about balloon travel
"Berenice" (1835) Horror story about teeth
"The Black Cat" (1845) Horror story about a cat
"The Cask of Amontillado" (1846) A story of revenge
"A Descent Into The Maelström" (1845) Man vs. Nature, Adventure Story
"Eleonora" (1850) A love story
"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" (1845) Talking with a dead man
"The Fall of the House of Usher" (1839) An old house and its secrets
"The Gold Bug" (1843) A search for pirate treasure
"Hop-Frog" (1845) A midget seeks revenge
"The Imp of the Perverse" (1850) Procrastination and confession
"The Island of the Fay" (1850) A poetic discussion
"Ligeia" (1838) A haunting supernatural tale
"The Man of the Crowd" (1845) How to follow someone
"Manuscript Found in a Bottle" (1833) Adventure at sea
"The Masque of the Red Death" (1850) The horror of the plague
"Mesmeric Revelation" (1849) Conversation with a hypnotized dying man
"The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (1841) A detective story
"Never Bet the Devil Your Head" (1850) A comedy with a moral
"The Oval Portrait" (1850) A tragic love story
"The Pit and the Pendulum" (1850) A torture chamber
"The Premature Burial" (1850) About being buried alive
"The Purloined Letter" (1845) A detective story
"Silence - A Fable" (1838) A dream
"Some Words With a Mummy" (1850) A mummy speaks
"The Spectacles" (1850) A great little comedy about love at first sight
"The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether" (1856) Inside an insane asylum
"The Tell-Tale Heart" (1850) A murderer's guilt
"William Wilson" (1842) Identical twins or something else?

Source: http://poestories.com/stories.php

1 comentario:

  1. Que mal que nadie comente en este apartado, pues a mi parecer esta muy interesante

    Para mi Edgar Allan Poe ha sido uno de los mejores poetas de cuentos cortos

    No he leido muchos pero con pocos me he dado cuenta que su forma de contar y narrar los hechos son unicos

    Creo que aqui faltaron dos cuentos "negros", El Gato Negro y El Cuervo
    los dos cuentos muy buenos

    les digo, y pido que chequen un tributo, un homenaje que le han hecho a este gran escritor
    que se llama; "El Legado de una Tragedia" Edgar Allan Poe
    Es una obra musical que fue producida en españa por varias bandas de Heavy españolas, se los recomiendo
